“The Weekend!"
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." ~Benjamin Franklin
Let's have a weekend of camaraderie, learning and fun through involvement. Women, when surveyed about what will make them happy, often choose health, wealth or losing ten pounds. But they become frustrated because most of them just continue to chase those elusive goals for months or years.all want to know our purpose, i.e., why are we here?
Click here for more information.
“You Have to Measure... to Find the Real Picture of Your Health!"
"Lower blood cholesterol levels are linked to lower rates of heart disease, cancer and other Western diseases." ~Dr. T. Colin Campbell
How many people have you known who seemed to be in perfect health and then they died... or they had a heart attack, or a stroke or even a cancer diagnosis? The older you get the more often you hear of that happening to people you know. What if there was a simple test that could at least give you some warning before a life-altering disease happened to you?
Click here for more information.
“You Are Never too Old to Find Your Purpose or Create Your Legacy"
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives." ~Jackie Robinson
We all want to know our purpose, i.e., why are we here? As Jackie Robinson once famously said, "We are here for the impact we make on other lives." As we age, we may begin to wonder whether we still have a purpose or whether we are just marking time.
Click here for more information.
“Please Stay Healthy - Coco's Healthy Tips for Living to 100!"
"If you want to live free of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes for your entire life, that power is in your hands. " ~Dr. Colin Campbell
We have been so trained in our culture that everyone of us will get one of the big diseases (heart disease, cancer, stroke or diabetes) as we age, that we don't even think to question that assumption. We just assume those people who do live long, healthy lives are lucky and we hope to be as lucky. But, what if you could find that "fountain of youth" for yourself?
“Want to Help Patients with Headaches and TMD Pain?"
Since all dentists have patients come in from time-to-time complaining of jaw pain or headaches, it makes sense to look at this issue dispassionately and plan a way to help them, rather than pulling out your hair and running for the nearest exit when you see them on the schedule.
Click here for more information.
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is a PACE-approved program provider of continuing dental education in Texas.
"PACE approval does not imply endorsement by the Academy of General Dentistry of course content, products, or therapies presented, nor does this approval imply that this course will be accepted by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners for mandatory CE hours."
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